What to do if the custom PCB board is damaged during transportation

When a custom PCB board is damaged during shipping, you should first contact the supplier and explain the damage in detail. If the supplier agrees to return or exchange the goods, then proceed in accordance with their requirements.

If the supplier does not agree to return or exchange the goods, you can try to seek legal assistance or assess the losses to find a reasonable solution. In short, relevant evidence and information should be retained, and communication should be maintained with suppliers to strive for a reasonable and fair solution.

When a custom PCB board is damaged during shipping, the handling will vary depending on the specific situation.

The following is a detailed processing process, including cause analysis, preventive measures, processing steps and subsequent improvement suggestions.

What to do if the custom PCB board is damaged during transportation

Cause Analysis

  1. Excessive vibration during transportation: The PCB board is subject to strong vibration during transportation, which may cause the components on the board to fall off or the solder joints to loosen.
  2. Improper packaging: The packaging of the PCB board is not strong enough to effectively protect the board from damage during transportation.
  3. Harsh transportation environment: If the temperature is too high or too low, the humidity is too high, etc., it may cause the PCB board to become damp, deformed or oxidized.
  4. Long transportation time: Long transportation may cause unnecessary damage to the PCB board during the journey.


  1. Strengthen packaging: Use shock-proof, moisture-proof, and dust-proof packaging materials to ensure that the PCB board is fully protected during transportation.
  2. Arrange transportation time reasonably: Try to choose fast and safe transportation methods to shorten transportation time and reduce the risks of boards in transit.
  3. Optimize the transportation environment: Ensure that the temperature, humidity and other parameters of the transportation environment meet the storage requirements of PCB boards to avoid damage caused by environmental factors.
  4. Strengthen logistics monitoring: By monitoring the transportation process in real time, problems can be discovered and solved in a timely manner to ensure that PCB boards are safely delivered to their destination.

Processing steps

  1. Confirm the damage: After receiving the damaged PCB board, you should immediately check the damage and record the location and extent of the damage.
  2. Analyze the cause of damage: Based on the damage situation, analyze the possible cause of the damage to provide a basis for subsequent improvements.
  3. Contact the supplier: Contact the supplier promptly to explain the damage and request corresponding solutions.
  4. Negotiate solutions: Negotiate solutions with suppliers, such as returns, exchanges, or compensation. Choose the appropriate solution based on the actual situation.
  5. Handle damaged boards: Boards that are damaged beyond repair should be scrapped; boards that can be repaired should be repaired to ensure they are restored to normal use.
  6. Record and summarize: Record the entire processing process in detail, summarize experiences and lessons, and provide reference for future work.

Suggestions for subsequent improvements

  1. Strengthen quality inspection: Strengthen quality inspection during the production process to ensure that the quality of PCB boards meets requirements and reduce damage caused by quality problems.
  2. Optimize the packaging plan: Based on the actual transportation conditions, the packaging plan will be continuously optimized to improve the shock-proof, moisture-proof, and dust-proof performance of the packaging.
  3. Strengthen logistics management: Establish a complete logistics management system to ensure the safety and timely delivery of PCB boards during transportation.
  4. Improve employee quality: Strengthen employee training and improve employees’ understanding and skill level of PCB board protection and transportation management.
  5. Establish an emergency mechanism: Establish an emergency response mechanism to respond and deal with sudden damage in a timely manner and reduce losses.
  6. Regular review and summary: Regularly review and summarize past damage situations and processing experience, and continuously improve and improve the processing process and management system.

In short, when the customized PCB board is damaged during transportation, a series of measures should be taken to prevent and handle it. By strengthening packaging, optimizing the transportation environment, strengthening logistics monitoring and other preventive measures, as well as timely processing, contacting suppliers, negotiating solutions and other processing steps, we can effectively reduce the occurrence of damage and reduce losses. At the same time, the transportation safety and reliability of PCB boards can be further improved by continuously improving and improving the processing process and management system by summarizing experience, lessons and improvement suggestions.

The custom PCB board is damaged during transportation. What should I do if the return cannot be negotiated?

If the customized PCB board is damaged during transportation and cannot be returned through negotiation, you can consider the following processing methods:

  1. Seek legal assistance: If the supplier refuses to return the product or cannot solve the problem, you can seek legal assistance, file a complaint with the relevant department or consult a lawyer to understand your rights and possible solutions.
  2. Assess the loss: For irreparable damaged boards, you can assess the loss, including the amount of loss, scope of impact, etc., so that you can make a reasonable claim to the supplier.
  3. File a claim: Based on the assessed loss, you can file a claim with the supplier and ask it to bear corresponding liability for compensation. When making a claim, relevant evidence and information, such as damage photos, logistics records, etc., should be provided to support your claim.
  4. Seek third-party platforms: If you purchased the PCB board through a third-party platform, you can contact the platform customer service to explain the situation and seek help in solving the problem. Third-party platforms may assist you in negotiating returns or compensation with suppliers.

No matter which processing method is adopted, it is recommended that you keep relevant evidence and information, maintain communication with the supplier or relevant departments, and strive for a reasonable and fair solution. At the same time, it is also recommended that you strengthen risk control and quality management in future transactions to reduce the occurrence of similar problems.

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